Episode 26: *Perfect Movie* The Princess Bride!
The Princess Bride nominated as a contender for a Perfect Movie.
The Princess Bride nominated as a contender for a Perfect Movie.
A Knight's Tale nominated as a contender for a Perfect Movie.
Pirates of the Carribean Curse of the Black Pearl nominated as a contender for a Perfect Movie.
Goodfellas nominated as a contender for a Perfect Movie.
Pitch Black nominated as a contender for a Perfect Movie.
It is the Perfect Movie.
What even is cannon?
Do we take what authors say seriously? Is it cannon?
Genres are hard and don't make sense.
While We Weren't Recording Ep 17: Gamestop, Tangents, Sci-fi!
The Nerdiest of Topics.
Awkward Rambles with a Holiday theme!
It's awkward and it rambles. What else do you expect?
The most controverisial of the Food Opionions. Especially Andreas'.
The Spookiest holiday!
Why do we love broken people so much?
Awkward. Rambling.
Why do we love what hurts us most?
Which games had the best stories?
Some of our favorite unknowns.