weekend workouts

Generally speaking (actually literally speaking) we don't work out on the weekends.  Our weekends are sacred to us as a time to relax and do with our time exactly what we want since we don't have our jobs making any demands on us.  Obviously there's things that have to be done every weekend, like laundry and grocery shopping, but those are such minor things that are part of the fabric of weekend life.  Generally this means that we don't do much in the way of physical activity, which we are normally A-OK with.  This weekend was different.  We helped one of Jacob's friend's move and it was HELL.  I'm still sore.  Doesn't help that I fell, because that's my life.

I feel like a little kid again!! Also, enjoy my pasty legs :)

I feel like a little kid again!! Also, enjoy my pasty legs :)

I'd forgotten how much skinned knees hurt!! I don't know how little kids do it.  I don't know how I did it when I was little.  I know I had skinned knees a lot, but I don't remember it slowing me down.  I think at 32 I'm not officially too old to help people move.  From now on, I'm just going to give cash so they can hire movers. On the plus side, I definitely got my workout in this weekend; on the down side, tonight's workout is going to hurt even more than usual.

New Goals

We are winding down our 100 days to #SDCC goal and it's time to set a new goal. The question looms large though, what should it be? I'm at my target weight (yay!), I've developed some good habits etc, but I don't want to be in maintenance mode. I'm really struggling hard with this one



Trickle Down Effects

When we first set out to do this fitness challenge thing, in centered around the idea that we were never going to miss a workout (barring severe illness or injury), and we have stuck to that. We have both been sick and hurt at some levels but they were never anything we couldn't work through. This habit of "No Excuses" has started to show itself in other parts of our lives. We are no longer slapping the snooze 3 or 4 times, we are getting more done around the house and all together a much happier people since aren't putting things off as much.

Habits are hard to form and harder to keep, but if you stick with it, even the smallest ones can change a whole host of other parts of your life

Stay Strong, Stay Positive


plateau... still.

This weekend was my birthday, or as I called it this year: Carb-Fest.  I set out with the express intention to eat nothing but delicious starchy goodness for 3 days straight.  It was a great plan!  Started out strong, with donuts on Friday morning but after I'd eaten like... a dozen blueberry munchkins (scientifically the best donut) I lost interest.  After being off simple carbs for 6mos I just don't have a taste for them like I used to. By lunch on Friday all I wanted was protein.  Goes to show you that sugar really is an addiction.  Once you break the addiction it becomes clear just how unnecessary simple carbs are.  I did enjoy my donuts, and the amazing lemon bars that my wonderful co-worker made for me; but I was able to enjoy them from a place of actual appreciation as opposed to satisfying a craving.

Weight-wise I'm still stuck on this plateau.  Its frustrating but I guess I'm glad that the number isn't going up.  I continue to eat my "food" bars and take my lunch time walks in addition to working out in the evenings.  Since we've added the wrist weights to our routine I can really see my shoulders becoming more muscular, so that's cool.

The "Screw It" is strong

We are closing in on the end of our 100 day journey and I can feel myself wanting to pat myself on the back, tell myself good job, and be done with it. Being this dedicated to something for this long is draining both mentally and physically and I am tired of doing it. 

Don't get me wrong, I will finish and I'm so glad we are doing this, but right now it's hard to keep going. 

Stay Strong, Stay Posistive 


Still Stuck

Here I am, still stuck on this plateau.  It's getting boring, but at least the number isn't going up I suppose.  My diet is so boring that I find myself not wanting to eat even though I'm hungry.  I end up having staring contests with my food bars for hours before they end up winning.  I feel better after I eat, I perk back up for a little while which is good because I'm usually so low on energy that the thought of chewing makes me want to lay down.  Well, that's where I am.

We just HAD to make things harder

While strolling through a sporting goods store, Kelly spotted some Nike weighted wrist wraps, that we could use during our boxing workouts. We decided to not jump in the deep end with the 2.5lbs ones, and went with the 1lbs wraps. 

Last nights workout was brutally hard and I can barely lift my arms today, and I know that everyone out there is laughing at me, but a 1lbs increase in your arm weight is actually a dramatic increase. 

The human arm weighs roughly 5% of your body weight, meaning for me 1lbs on my arms constitutes an approximately 10% increase in total arm weight. 

That is a huge number when you are doing a lot of work with your arms and doing a lot of boxing drills

Jacob took my title.

Jacob and I seem to both be stuck in a plateau.  I know that they happen but I didn't think I'd hit one so soon!! I've been stuck bouncing around the same 2-3 lb window for about a month and it's so effing frustrating!! I stick to the diet and I work out and that damn number continues to mock me.   I'm trying to research ways to break it so if any of you internet people have any tips please let me know.  I'm pretty desperate.  I'm trying to stay focused on how much progress I've made so far and not the lack of progress I'm making right now. It's hard to not get discouraged.  Jacob has been wonderful though, always reminding me of the good that this work is doing even if it isn't showing in the scale.

In other news, I pulled a muscle in my calf again last night.  I stretched and took it slow and everything, but still it pulled.  This weekend will be filled with heat therapy, muscle rollers and rest.  At least it pulled on Thursday and not Monday I suppose.


Sticking to a schedule can be very hard with life always doing its best to get in the way. Last week was an example of that, I had family in town and a conference I was attending so that left only 1 real option for my workouts.

Early Mornings


I already get up pretty early 5:50 am, so to get up early enough to get in our workout we had to be up by 5:10, which is hella early, especially with a full day of family and conference in front of you. Getting through those workouts was brutal, we were tired, tight, and all sorts of other things from working out in the morning instead of the evening, but we survived. 

They probably weren't the best workouts of my life, but they got done, and I did the best I could and that's what matters. 

We survived, you can too 



I saw my Primary Care this week, she was very excited about my progress. I got the feeling that it's not often that she'll tell someone that they need to prioritize weight loss and actually have them do it.  I'm down 16 lbs since January, and I've lost 6 lbs in the last month.  Only 4 lbs to go until I hit my first goal (10% loss).  In the past month I've been averaging a little over 1 lb lost each week which is high, but maintainable.  It was very affirming to hear her say that I was doing this in a way that I'll be able to maintain the lifestyle long term.  

She was very happy with my cholesterol levels which have really improved, and she even took me off of one of my blood pressure medicines!  The goal is to get me off of them completely, since most likely my high blood pressure is weight related.  Hearing that affirmation from my doctor really helped to give me the boost to stay focused on my path despite how tired and bored I've become with my current diet regime.

Now that I'm so close to my first goal, I need to start thinking about where I want to end up long term.  I'd love to get my weight down to 140-130 mark but that's nearly 30% weight loss which is HUGE and possibly not something that I'd be able to maintain in the long term.  I think after getting to 10% my next goal will be another 5%.  That would have me down at 160, 30 lbs from where I started.  I'm afraid of setting a goal too large and getting discouraged when I'm not able to achieve it or see real progress in a time frame that will satisfy my impatience.  Goals are good, but that have to be attainable to be worth anything.

weight chart.jpg

Morning Workouts

Because of my schedule over the next few days, I've had to move my workouts to the mornings, which is not the easiest thing in the world. I am not a morning person at all, even though I wake up before 6 every day and having to get up earlier sucks. These are the type of things we have to do to not miss workouts though and so I will soldier on



falling off the wagon

My "rough" weeks are becoming more and more frequent.  I could blame PMS or stress or whatever, but I think what it really comes down to is that I've lost weight so now I'm becoming complacent.  Which is what ALWAYS gets me into trouble.  I hit a goal and I think: 

"Oh I'm cured! I can eat what I want and I'll stay this weight! I've cured myself of fatness."

Sadly, it doesn't work this way.  God I wish it did though.  Wouldn't that be wonderful?  I'm trying to refocus myself on my diet and walking during my lunches. I'm trying to get my discipline back in check.  It's just so hard to be good all the time.  I know I can do this, but I find myself some days asking:

"Do I even really care anymore?  What's the point?"

Its so easy to slide, when life gets busy.  You tell yourself that it's different this time, that you can handle it this time; but these are just rationalizations.  If there's one thing all humans are absolute experts at, it's rationalizing.  Things like: I can't walk today at lunch because it's raining/too hot/too windy/I'm too busy; Or I can eat this even though I know I shouldn't because I've been really good lately/I'm really hungry/it's just this once.  Sometimes the slip really is warranted, but when you are playing lawyer with yourself you know you're in trouble.   One of my favorite book series ever has a really good line.  It's something like "I know I'm about to do something I'll regret when I start a sentence with 'I'd never do this, but...' or 'I shouldn't do this, but...'"  It's that "but" that should serve as the alarm.  Drop the conjunction and you have the decision made.  So yeah, that's where I am right now.  It's not the best place, but it's a place.  I'm glad I was able to see this happening and now that I have I can take steps to correct my path.

In other news, Jacob and I went to a corporate event at a Pirates game this weekend where the beer was free.  We had some.  First drink in 6 weeks.  It was good and I enjoyed it, but now it's back to business as usual.  

Fat vs Muscle

Disclaimer, this is a repost from Livestrong.com. I do not own any part of it.

When it comes to a pound of muscle versus a pound of body fat, gym myths abound. Muscle is more metabolically active than fat, meaning it burns more calories when you are at rest, but the level of this activity often is overstated. Another common statement, that 1 lb. muscle weighs more than 1 lb. fat, brings smiles to exercise physiologists who point out that 1 lb. is 1 lb., regardless of what it’s made up of. Still, pound for pound, muscle does take up less space than fat.


Muscle is denser than fat, which means it takes up less space than fat. While you may have heard that muscle takes up one-third the space of fat, the truth is a bit less dramatic. Muscle takes up approximately four-fifths as much space. Two people may be the same height and weight, but the person with a higher body fat percentage will wear a larger clothing size.


Since it is denser, muscle does weigh more than fat if you compare same-size portions. On average, the density of fat is 0.9 g/mL. The density of muscle is 1.1 g/mL. Using the averages, 1 liter of muscle weighs 1.06 kg, or 2.3 lbs., while 1 liter of fat weighs .9 kg, or 1.98 lbs. This may vary due to numerous factors including race, being extremely lean, or being extremely obese, according to “Exercise Physiology” by William D. McArdle, et al.


    Common gym lore says that 1 lb. resting muscle will burn 30 to 50 calories daily compared to fat, which burns no calories. The truth is that muscle tissue will burn seven to 10 calories daily per pound. Fat burns two to three calories daily per pound. Replacing a pound of fat with a muscle, therefore, helps you burn an additional four to six more calories each day, says Cedric X. Bryant, chief science officer for the American Council on Exercise. If you utilize a strength training regimen, you can expect to gain 3 to 5 lbs. of muscle mass in three to four months, bringing your net caloric effect to 15 to 30 calories per day. The best way to benefit from the calorie-burning potential of your muscles is to actually use them. Your basal metabolic rate, or the number of calories your body uses when you are at rest, typically accounts for 60 to 75 percent of the calories you burn in a day.


    Though swapping fat for muscle might not raise your basal metabolic rate as high as gym myths indicate, it’s still a good idea to stay lean. High body fat percentages are associated with raised risk for obesity-related diseases like type 2 diabetes, heart disease, high blood pressure, breathing problems, gallstones and certain cancers. For optimal health, the best body fat range for women is 18 to 30 percent. For men, it’s 10 to 25 percent. You are considered obese if you are a woman and have more than 30 percent body fat or if you are a man and have 25 percent body fat.

    Hurt vs. Injured

    Hurt or Injured? it is maybe the most important questions we can ask ourselves while working out because if we are working out, we are going to be hurting. For me it tends to revolve around my shoulder, I'll wake up stiff and hurting, and I have to really figure out if I'm just hurting/sore or if I'm actually injured and need to go to the orthopedic. 

    We often don't listen to our bodies signals when it is asking us to slow down or stop because it's injured and we end up doing a lot of damage to ourselves that takes weeks or months to recover from. Listen to your body and don't be afraid to go to the doctor to make sure you've not injured yourself too bad. 

    Stay Strong, Stay Focused


    Don't stay complacent

    We upped the difficulty and changed some of the workouts on our Monday "Upper" day. Today I am sore, tired and generally not happy with my decision. The sucky part though is it had to be done because the current workout was becoming too easy. 

    If we keep pushing ourselves forward the results will come
