weekend workouts
Generally speaking (actually literally speaking) we don't work out on the weekends. Our weekends are sacred to us as a time to relax and do with our time exactly what we want since we don't have our jobs making any demands on us. Obviously there's things that have to be done every weekend, like laundry and grocery shopping, but those are such minor things that are part of the fabric of weekend life. Generally this means that we don't do much in the way of physical activity, which we are normally A-OK with. This weekend was different. We helped one of Jacob's friend's move and it was HELL. I'm still sore. Doesn't help that I fell, because that's my life.
I feel like a little kid again!! Also, enjoy my pasty legs :)
I'd forgotten how much skinned knees hurt!! I don't know how little kids do it. I don't know how I did it when I was little. I know I had skinned knees a lot, but I don't remember it slowing me down. I think at 32 I'm not officially too old to help people move. From now on, I'm just going to give cash so they can hire movers. On the plus side, I definitely got my workout in this weekend; on the down side, tonight's workout is going to hurt even more than usual.