Your Best Workout Yet!

I've already written about how it's ok to be tired, but here's a more positive thought. You never know when you'll have the best workout of your life. We all have had those moments, big and small that have stuck with us for years upon years. Some of us can remember specific workouts or the way you felt on certain days and they are wonderful memories. 

The great thing about giving your all every time you workout is that TODAY could be the best workout of your life. TODAY could be the best you've ever felt after a workout. TODAY is ours and TODAY we will thrive.

Stay Strong, Stay Focused


Jacob's Gym

I live in the Northeast and I am lucky enough to have a basement that can be used to workout in. Right now the gym area consists of a Punching bag, gym flooring, kettle bells and resistance bands. There isn't a lot of space, so I have had to become very economical with it and the workout I do. 

I do a mix of Mauy Thai, High Intensity Interval Training and Weights, all of which are confined inside the 5' by 8' space that I have. As you can see with the pictures below, just a little effort can go a long way in transforming a space into a highly usable workout area. If you want to build your gym like mine, below will be some links

I know that not everyone has the ability to have a space like that and that's something I'll talk about next time.


Gym Link Below: